This post is part of Jen Hatmaker’s “For the Love” Blog Tour
which I ,am delighted to be a part of, along with many other inspiring
bloggers. To learn more and join us, CLICK HERE.
It's here!
Today is the day Jen Hatmaker's new book "For the Love" comes out! I have been waiting for this day since March, when I got the email saying that I had been chosen to be on the Launch team for this book. One of only 500 (#the500), out of 5000 applicants. A group of 496 women and the #bandoffour men that, out of this book, formed a community unlike anything I've ever known. A Facebook group of people pouring out love to one another. Political posts where people could actually respectfully disagree with one another without hatred, name-calling, or belittling for differences of opinion. This community- people just genuinely loving on each other through many different trials in life. I love it, and I'm so blessed to be a part of it- and it's all because of this book...
This book has changed my outlook on life. Twenty-six chapters on everything from Difficult People to Turning Forty to Fashion Concerns (Leggings as Pants, the struggle is real). She oozes God's truth through all of her words, and brings the reader back to the place God wants us to focus- on Him and His love. In her chapter entitled "On Calling and Haitian Moms," one sentence really struck me to my core. "If it isn't also true for a poor single Christian mom in Haiti, it isn't true" (#FortheLove). She goes on to say, "Theology is either true everywhere or it isn't true anywhere." Those statements are so powerful- and freeing! God loves us all- and His Son died on the cross for us ALL. Money and power are not a testament of God's love; living in faith, love, happiness and contentment is. Jen, through this book, helps us to see what life is really all about.
"For the Love!" I say this phrase daily- when something wonderful happens, when I'm frustrated, etc. That's why I was so excited to get my hands on this book. I had heard of Jen Hatmaker from a friend of mine and followed her on Facebook, but I had never really had a chance to dig into her books until I got on this Launch team. In the first chapter, Jen talks about our generation- a group of people "on the hook." I could not agree more with this statement! We are all in a race to see who can be the most perfect while doing the most things and being everything to everyone, and we're forgetting to actually participate in our lives. Jen likens our lives to being a balance beam, and challenges us to find the things that we don't actually need that throw us off-kilter and get them "off the beam." That's my new favorite saying- off the beam. Instead of feeling pressured to do everything you're asked, you can actually assess your own life and determine if you have the time or energy to do something. AND IT'S OKAY TO SAY NO! What freedom- knowing that saying no will not end the world, and often when you say no, people respect it and don't think less of you (which is a big fear for most of us). If you feel this pressure, this overwhelming feeling that you never get anything done and you are a failure, this book is for you!
I love to read and read a LOT of books, many more than once. Since April, I have read this book at least three times, and it hits me each time. This book is a necessity for every woman in America. Just make sure when you read it, you have highlighters, pens, a notebook, and LOTS of tissues. And don't be surprised if you burst out in laughter- I woke my husband up a few times reading it at night. This book will make you laugh, make you cry, make you want to be more present in life. It gives you permission to say no. If you haven't yet- go out and buy it RIGHT NOW! This is not something you want to miss, for the love!
Check out the book trailer from Jen herself here:
Here is the link to the book's website: From here, you can order the book and learn a little more about it and the author. You can also see an endorsement from yours truly (!!), as well as the endorsements from the rest of the Launch team.
If you want a chance to win a copy of the book- comment below why you want to read it and I'll choose a winner on August 23rd!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Finding my Anything
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Taking a break from the water |
What a beautiful day: 80° and sunny, just enough of a breeze to cool you from the heat. My kids are loving life in the pool, and playing nicely. Together. (God does perform miracles every day!) Bennett's heart is doing well and we don't need to get him checked for another year. My dad is starting to feel better. My daughter told me I look amazing in my swimsuit before we got to the pool (which was an ego boost to this momma since I was feeling a little self conscious today; I mean, having 3 kids in 4 years will not do nice things to your body...). God continues to show me His faithfulness through the little things in each day. And finally, finally, I'm starting to notice...
I recently started reading the book "Anything" by Jennie Allen. There's been an online study, which has been helping to open my eyes as well. I've always known that I believed in God and loved Jesus and what He did for me. But even through all of that, I never felt especially close to him. I hear all of these amazing stories of how Jesus has changed people and how they are now "all in" for him. I have to admit, I have salvation envy.
I should just be grateful- I grew up in a very happy home, knowing nothing but love and support from my parents and not wanting in anything. We went to church regularly, at least when I was younger (before the church we went to soured my family, but that's another story). Even when we didn't go to church, my parents demonstrated Jesus every day by helping and loving others. They made me strive to be better, and reeled me back when I got too arrogant. They taught me to keep my mind and heart open to others, something I've tried to bring with me throughout my life. However, it wasn't until college that I learned about having a relationship with Jesus. Since then, (so for 14 years now... ugh) I've been trying to figure out what this means to me. This led me to "Anything."
I've only finished week 5, but I've learned that going all in for God doesn't mean I have to sell all of my possessions and move to Africa- though that is one way to do it. For me, it could mean going into each day thankful and praising Him, and living for His glory in all I do. Even the "mundane" things. Being thankful for the season I'm in- endless piles of dishes and clothes that need to be cleaned; taxiing my kids to and from activities; working at night so I can see my family during the day. I wanted my "Anything" to be a big, life-changing event, but what if it isn't supposed to be?
I'm working on being content in my life, and what a better way to start than to accept my Jesus story and to be proud of it? No more salvation envy. No more wanting the American dream. I'm going to wake up every morning thankful for this ridiculously blessed life I have and live that thankfulness out in every part of my life. I'm going to keep striving for a stronger relationship with God and Jesus, and determining what else my "Anything" means. I'm going to start talking to my husband to see what our "Anything" is together. I'm going to help my kids find out what it means to them. I'm going to be okay with giving things up in this world so I can focus on my forever future in heaven. Maybe my life-changing event is simply finally being thankful for what I have and strengthening my relationship with God. And that is okay.
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Decorating some cookies after a swim- STILL getting along! |
Saturday, April 25, 2015
What is with these kids??
I know a good deal of you know about my dear Sophia and her ventures in hair cutting/styling (see my previous blog entries on these adventures- plural- like THREE times). She also cut her brothers' hair a time or two. I finally informed her that if she cut anyone's hair again, I would have to buzz hers off like her brothers- that point was well-taken and I have not had any issues (with her cutting hair) since. My dear, sweet Noah Doyle wanted his hair cut this past March and actually ASKED us to do it. He told me he didn't want to comb his hair before school anymore. Bwahahaha! Six-year-old first world problems, people.
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Before- He's such a honey! |
After- what a handsome boy! He looks so much older!
Thanks to this sweet boy, I had a few years of reprieve. Enter Bennett David. This boy has given me a run for my money since the minute I found out he was coming. A couple of weeks ago, I ran downstairs to flip the laundry from the washer to the dryer. Four minutes is how long I was downstairs. Four minutes. I come upstairs to the familiar "Hmmmmmmmm" of my husband's beard trimmer. This is my first sight...
It was all I could do not to laugh out loud. This kids goes big or goes home. How could I possibly punish him?? His sister did this THREE times before I actually got mad at her. I did my best to fix it. He just looked like an old man. Thankfully it's hair and it just grows back. And that he's adorable regardless. This really is a circus I'm living in....Sunday, March 29, 2015
What I want for my kids...
So- I joined the TODAY show Parenting team, and they're asking regular moms like me for parenting advice. Seriously??? The only thing I know for sure is that, after eight years and three children, I still feel like I have NO idea what I'm doing. I consider the day successful if my kids go to bed clean and fed and mostly happy (and sometimes, clean is optional!). I married a wonderful man, and though we don't always agree on everything, we agree on the beliefs we want to instill in our children:
1) Our children will be respectful- to everyone; adults, peers, all of God's people.
2) Our children will be held accountable for their actions and learn that every decision made in life has a consequence, whether it be good or bad.
3) Our children will know that they are loved, regardless of where their lives may lead them. I frequently tell them that they can never do anything that will make me love them any less. No matter how mad I may get at them, nothing will diminish my love. Furthermore, as much as I love them, God loves them that much more. There's a game that my kids and I play. We call it "I love you to...." I will say "I love you to the stop sign." The kids will say "I love you to the street light" or anything that might be in our line of sight. The game always ends with us both saying "I love you to the heavens." We don't say "I love you to the moon" because that can be measured, and the love between parents and their children is immeasurable. (My 4-year-old, Bennett, has now started randomly started saying to me, "Mommy, I love you all the way to God." Such joy to my heart!)
4) Our children will know how to fail gracefully in life. Parents always want the best for their kids, and we are no different. However, I refuse to raise children who think life should be handed to them on a silver platter and that they will get their way in everything. We have been very blessed in life, and my children thankfully do not want for anything; this is a fact I do not want them to take for granted. I firmly believe one of the best things a parent can do for their children is to teach them that they will lose in life, and they need to know how to do it with grace. Whether it be in sports, board games, or later in life in school or at a job. Life does not often go as we plan, and we need to know how to roll with the punches and rely on God to help them through.
There are so many more things, and the list changes from day to day, but these are the things that always remain. I have a list for each of my children that I pray over often (though never enough); it's a list of characteristics that I hope to see in them when they are adults. In addition to those listed above, we strive to teach them kindness and compassion for others and a strong love for their God. As one of my favorite authors, Jen Hatmaker, says, "If they don't love Jesus and people, it matters zero if they remain virgins and don't say the F-word. We must shepherd their hearts, not just their hemlines."We need to focus more on our children's hearts than on their actions, because it is their hearts that LEAD their actions.
I am so grateful for these little humans that have been entrusted into my care. They have taught me more than I ever imagined I could learn, and I want to give them the world. But more than that, I want to teach them how to make the most of this world- and show this world how much God loves it through how they treat others. Every night, I remind my children that God has big plans for them. To me, this doesn't mean that they will cure cancer or be sports starts or movie stars (though my 8-year-old has some big plans for herself in those regards). It means that whatever the plan is for their lives, they will make a difference to someone. Just like you do for your kids every day. So my advice- instill in your children now the qualities you want to see in them in the future. Model those qualities. Talk about why they're important. Mold those precious souls. You will be so glad that you did!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
What the what?!?!?!
Let's see if I can figure out this whole blog thing again...
Last week, I was scrolling through Facebook quickly while the kids were playing and noticed a post from Jen Hatmaker. If you don't know who she is, I suggest you immediately Google her and get on her blog. She is funny, down-to-earth, and on fire for Jesus! Anyway- I knew she had a new book coming out this summer. On her page, she posted a link to join her launch team for her book "For the Love" (one of my favorite sayings!), so I thought "why not?" I never win anything. I mean never. Well- I may have hit the jackpot in the husband and kid department, but contests... no way. I filled in all of the blanks and pressed submit. And nearly forgot about it. Until, in my email...
Knock, knock. Who's there? YOU, because YOU are on my Launch Team for 'For the Love'!! Yeah baby!! We only had room for 10% of all applicants (what the??), and we think you got the stuff.
What the what?? Excitement flooded over me- she picked ME! Out of 5000 people, I, Me, Erin Wevers, made the cut. Then.... reality. What do I possibly know about launching a book??? I'm a labor and delivery nurse/vampire that rarely sees the light of day (i.e. I work straight nights). Plus, I just got a new title at work that comes with a ton more responsibility. Plus, my kids are starting sports soon. Plus, I haven't slept in a week... Do I have time for this... no. Will I logistically EVER have time for this... no. Will this opportunity ever present itself to me again... no. The answer is easy. So, here I am. Attached to a team of 499 of the coolest people I've never met, helping to launch this book. And let me tell you, these people are already turning my world upside down. With every interaction, I find myself again asking "why me?" These people are incredible, and supportive, and so.... normal. Thank you, Jesus, for this opportunity!!!
P.S. You need to pre-order this book on Amazon. Like right now. It comes out August 18th!! For the Love!!
Last week, I was scrolling through Facebook quickly while the kids were playing and noticed a post from Jen Hatmaker. If you don't know who she is, I suggest you immediately Google her and get on her blog. She is funny, down-to-earth, and on fire for Jesus! Anyway- I knew she had a new book coming out this summer. On her page, she posted a link to join her launch team for her book "For the Love" (one of my favorite sayings!), so I thought "why not?" I never win anything. I mean never. Well- I may have hit the jackpot in the husband and kid department, but contests... no way. I filled in all of the blanks and pressed submit. And nearly forgot about it. Until, in my email...
Knock, knock. Who's there? YOU, because YOU are on my Launch Team for 'For the Love'!! Yeah baby!! We only had room for 10% of all applicants (what the??), and we think you got the stuff.
What the what?? Excitement flooded over me- she picked ME! Out of 5000 people, I, Me, Erin Wevers, made the cut. Then.... reality. What do I possibly know about launching a book??? I'm a labor and delivery nurse/vampire that rarely sees the light of day (i.e. I work straight nights). Plus, I just got a new title at work that comes with a ton more responsibility. Plus, my kids are starting sports soon. Plus, I haven't slept in a week... Do I have time for this... no. Will I logistically EVER have time for this... no. Will this opportunity ever present itself to me again... no. The answer is easy. So, here I am. Attached to a team of 499 of the coolest people I've never met, helping to launch this book. And let me tell you, these people are already turning my world upside down. With every interaction, I find myself again asking "why me?" These people are incredible, and supportive, and so.... normal. Thank you, Jesus, for this opportunity!!!
P.S. You need to pre-order this book on Amazon. Like right now. It comes out August 18th!! For the Love!!
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