So very much has happened since I last wrote- I have dreamed of being diligent with my blog, writing at least once a week. Except life happened and I can't seem to find the time. However, right now I am overwhelmed and over-emotional and I need an outlet- so I found my way back here. Let's see if I can catch up on what's going on.... (I just realized that this may take a few posts...)
As many of you know, I was blessed to be chosen for the launch team for Jen Hatmaker's latest book "For the Love," which came out last August. What a sweet ride that was! A Facebook group was developed and a family was formed. The group is still alive and well, and we depend on each other often for prayer and support. Somehow, the group convinced Jen to host a launch party AT HER HOUSE. For most of the summer, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go. But Labor Day weekend found me in Austin, Texas with 130 of the best friends that I had never met before! It was one of the sweetest trips of my life- being able to meet and fellowship with these people that I had only (but intimately) known online to this point. We all felt like celebrities when we would meet up at various restaurants and stores in downtown Austin. It was the most amazing thing. I can't even describe the feeling- cementing solid friendships with people over the course of four days.
20 of us showed up for supper that Thursday night |
And then 75 came for supper on Friday- with just ONE waiter! |
Me at the FTL Launch Party |
It's not something I ever saw myself doing. I don't go places by myself! I have almost no self esteem and have been worried about what people think of me my entire life. I don't know where the courage came from to fly across the country by myself, stay in a hotel with eventually three women I had never met before, and spend the weekend in a place I'd never been spending time with people I didn't know celebrating an amazing thing I got to be a part of- it's still so surreal, even after almost five months. I think it's taken me that long to process everything. I still can't quite believe it. Many of us got there on Thursday or Friday, and the weekend was filled with meet-ups around Austin and ended with a party at Jen's house.
Me and Jen Hatmaker |
We all got to meet Jen Hatmaker- and it was like meeting all of the rest of the people! I thought for sure I would be star-struck, but she was so NORMAL and I was just as excited to meet everyone else as I was to meet her. Her family meandered around the party, and I got to have a great conversation with her mom and dad as well. The night ended with a bunch of us going to a bar and dancing into the night! Many of us attended Jen's church on Sunday morning, then had brunch and boarded planes to go back to our lives around the country. It was such an amazing trip, and I know that God led me to this book and these people for a reason. They are some of the most supportive people I have ever known, and the best prayer team in the world. We've raised money for trips to Austin, cars, and laptops for each other, had mug swaps and pen pals and lives have literally been changed by this group. What a blessing it has been.
Before last March I didn't even know launch teams were a thing; now I've been on three of them in the past year! (I've had the pleasure to help launch the books 'Out of Sorts' by Sarah Bessey and 'Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World: How One Family Learned That Saying No Can Lead to Life's Biggest Yes' by Kristen Welch in the past few months, and enjoyed both of them immensely.)
I've also become addicted to Jen Hatmaker's books... to be honest, I
knew who she was, but I hadn't read anything that she had written before
I read 'For the Love.' Now, I'm one of the biggest Jen fans in the
world- reading her words is like sitting next to her talking over
coffee. I can't wait to read what she has coming out next!
I'll end this with some pictures of the fabulous people I met in Austin- I love you all so!
Shannon, Elizabeth, me and Michelle |
Elizabeth, Cathy (my roommates) and me |
Me and momma Cheryl |
Me and my dear friend Lauren |
Me, Brandon Hatmaker, Cathy, Elizabeth and Carey |