I needed a mental break from packing/cleaning, so here I am. Last night, no less than 20 people came over to help us pack. It was unbelievable. What took me three weeks to pack took everyone only an hour and a half to load up. It's crazy to see our whole lives strategically stacked into the back of a 27-foot U-haul. (And it makes me think that we still have a lot to purge!)
Walking through this big empty house brings back so many memories, and makes me think of all of the amazing things that have happened to me in Grand Forks: I met the love of my life. We found an amazing church home and made some friends that are really more like family. We brought three babies into the world. We both found incredible jobs and worked with some unbelievable people. We moved into the best neighborhood in the world and had some pretty rocking block parties. Grand Forks has given me everything I could ask for and more. But God is calling us to the Cities for a reason...
Anyone who knows me knows how much I abhor change. I was happy in my comfortable little world. So no one was more surprised than me when B asked me if he should apply for the job at MSP tower and I said "sure!" He responded "Really??" There wasn't even an argument when he told me he wanted to take the job- I felt like God wanted us there and if I've learned anything through our ordeal with Bennett, it's to trust Him.
So now, today is here. I'm a big ball of emotion, but I haven't cried today- yet. I just hope I can drive through all my tears! I'm so happy for the time I've gotten here and the relationships our family has made, but I'm looking forward to our new adventure. I get (!!) to be a Stay-at-home mom for the first time ever. I'm not sure what it looks like for me to not be a working mom... a big part of my identity is in being a labor and delivery nurse, and I'm hoping I'll be able to make my way back to it again someday.
I'd better get back to cleaning. Please pray for us through this transition - that we may all find our place in our new town. Our new little neighborhood seems amazing, and I'm excited to explore Minneapolis as a family and to have the summer off with the kids before Bennett starts kindergarten! Thank you to all who have helped us in this process with packing, food, going away events and just being there for us! I'm going to drive away from this town with nothing but great memories. Thanks GF, for everything. We'll be back to visit! And we'd love to see you if you make your way to the Minneapolis area!