Happy boy, even after shots and medicine! |
What a great day! I kinda think my family is celebrating Mother's day a day late for me since yesterday turned out so awful! Last night when Brandon got home, some good friends of ours stopped by to see the house. Of course I was a mess, the house was a mess, the kids were in their swimming suits of all things, but Bob, Lila and Lisa just visited and played with the kids with no judgment (SO nice!). Then Lila offered to watch the kids this morning while I took Bennett to the doctor which was also so nice- I didn't have to get all of the kids ready and out the door, just the little one. It was a nice, calm check-up where we discovered our baby is growing (albeit slowly: 13th percentile for weight, 23rd for length and 3rd for head circumference) and has an ear infection I never even suspected since Bennett is such a happy boy! So we came home with owie legs from 4-month shots and a bottle of Amoxicillin. Surgery is still on for June 3rd, so only 25 more days until the longest day of my life!
After we got home, the kids ate some lunch (PB and J with cut up peppers and some craisins, chocolate milk to drink- yum!) and then came downstairs and the older two cut paper while Bennett played on the floor. Noah went pee on the potty ("My go on the potty Mommy- My want a pooper!"- which he got), and then a little on the floor as well ("Oops Mommy- my not done peeing- sorry!") then off to bed for rest time. So far it's been a great day- and I still get to go grocery shopping BY MYSELF when B gets home from work. Happy mother's day to me- TODAY! You know you're a mother when going to the store by yourself is your "me time," and you love every minute of it!
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