It's been quite a busy week- a good thing since it's most likely our last week of nice summer weather! I started the week out at the spray park in University park with all three kids. Bennett really enjoyed it, as it was his first time there. His favorite part was to sit next to the sprays that shot up from the ground and try to "catch" the water as it shot out. In the picture to the left, he had wiggled his way ON TOP of the spray and was giggling at the fact that he was getting sprayed in the bottom with water! He is such a little clown! The older two also enjoyed themselves, and they got to take a break from the water every so often and play in the playground next to the spray park. Sophia can go all the way across the monkey bars without any help! I've always said my kids were half-monkey, half-fish, but now I really know that's true! Bennett and I would take a break occasionally too and sit on a towel in the shade and watch the older two play. We stayed for almost TWO hours (a feat in this seemingly ADD family), and by the end, all three of the kiddos were playing with the spouts (see left). We all had such a good time, and the kids had fun playing with some older kids there as well. It was a perfect way to spend what I knew would be one of the last summer days of this year! It's terrifying to think that by the end of next summer, my baby will be 18 months old, my Noah will be nearly four years old, and my sweet Sophia will be starting kindergarten! It sounds so cliche, but time really does go by so quickly. I remember bringing Sophia home for the first time like it was yesterday, now she has two little brothers to play with! We must be having a lot of fun, because the days are flying by!
The Wevers family bike train! |
Tuesday through Friday days and evenings were spent pretty much at work (with the exception of our co-ed kickball match on Wednesday~ it still feels silly to tell people I'm on a kickball team!), where it is the busiest I remember it being for many years. I try not to work both Thursday and Friday if possible, because B works every Saturday through Wednesday and then I don't get to see him very much. Yesterday, we all rode our bikes to the park that is about six blocks away from our house. Bennett rode in the pull-along behind B, and the other two kids rode their little hearts out, super-excited to get to "the park!!!" After playing for about an hour, we all packed back up onto the bikes and rode on- all the way to Happy Joe's, which is another 6 or 7 blocks away! We enjoyed a nice family pizza buffet and rode ALL the way home! I was so proud of the kiddos, they didn't complain once and had so much fun. (Not to mention, they all took GREAT naps when we got home!) I'm trying to really enjoy all these little moments we have together, because I know that they will get less and less as the kids grow. It's funny, ten years ago when I thought about my future, THIS is not what I imagined. Believe me when I say, it is SO much better!
I thought that I had been a "follower" of your blog already, but now I figured it out and was just catching up today!!... Sounds like a busy summer at the Wever household! I just started my own blog today too... got me thinking about yours again! Can't wait to read more Erin! Thanks for sharing!!