Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dance class has begun!

 It's that time of year again- Sophia has started her favorite activity: dance class!! She started classes last year at North Dakota Ballet Company, so we continued with them this year as well. Ever since she danced on the big stage in May, she has wanted to get back to dance class. Sophia loves to express herself, and dance is the perfect outlet for her. Since she isn't in preschool, I wanted her to have an activity where she needs to learn how to take direction and learn patience and perserverence as well. I hope that this is something that she continues to do (I'm kind of living vicariously through her- I was in dance for a few years when I was younger, but those of you who know me know about my lack of grace), but I won't push her too hard. It's exciting to see how my children are growing and learning new things about themselves, but it's all going too quickly! God's blessings are abundant!

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