Thursday, September 29, 2011

The little things...

 I just wanted to share what a typical evening meal in mi casa with my kiddos. Sophia has taken it upon herself to say the prayer prior to the meal and she usually does a great (and thorough) job. It generally goes something like this... "Dear Jesus, thank you for our food and thank you for our family. Thank you for our Jesus. Please help to heal Grandpa. Please help other Grandpa in heaven. Help mommy to have a good day at work, and Daddy too. Amen." Around this time, Noah chimes in "Don't forget me, Dophie!" so she amends it "and help Noah to be good....and me too!" The whole spring and summer, she often would pray for Bennett and his heart. Some of her prayers melt my heart ("Please help to heal baby Bennett and make him not to hurt anymore") and some of them are funny ("Thank you for the chicken, and the lettuce, and the chicken). Sometimes she doesn't want to pray, which is when we explain that we praise God when we want to and more so when we don't. She's starting to ask so many more questions about God and faith now- it's amazing to watch her little brain work. What a blessing these wonderful children are- and how much they teach us!

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